XML- Home
About Agro de Arend
- Opening hours
- History
- The vision of the Eagle
- Leendert de Jong
- Jorik Hommerson
- Johan Slebus
- Miranda de Jong
- Sijdie van Nifterik
- Joost van Es
- Ton Smit
- Gerrit Jan Huibers
- Gerwin van Dam
- Aron Roelofse
- Aart Huibers
- Edwin Högemann
- Rens Torn Broers
- Herman Barten
- Arend van Garderen
- Jacco van Noort
- Jacoline van Dam
- Gerco Huibers
- Jaimy Verwoert
- Jacco Vroegindeweij
- Evan van Brenk
- Robert van Daalen
- Jan van Nifterik
- Sem Lekkerkerker
- Alex van Nifterik
- Weekly distribution routes
- Shopping basket
Plant support materials
- Bamboocanes (Tonkincanes)
- Flowersticks/ Split bamboo
- Glass fiber canes
- Bamboo trellises
- Impregnated tree stakes
- Untreated tree stakes
- Bamboo pin
- Bamboo pleached frames
- Roof frame square
- Roof frame round
- Roof frame cilinder
- Roof frame cube
- Pleach frame screen
- Roof support irons
- Pleach guide V-shaped (horizontal)
- Rootballing materials
- Potted tree field
- Flower pots and tree containers
Tying and fastening materials
- Ring knife
- Black tying tube in net T50
- Green tying tube in bag T40
- Green tying tube in bag
- Black tying tube on spool T90
- Black tying tube on spool T50
- Green tying tube on spool T70
- Yellow tying tube on spool T30
- Attalink plier
- Spido box
- Attalink spare parts
- Max plier
- Max Tape
- Max staples
- Staples for Max plier
- Rapid staple plier
- Rapid staples
- Satin band
- Polyester band
- Cotton band
- Aronda band
- Trevira band
- Koppen band
- Tying rope bucket
- Gripolene rope
- Agricultural yarn
- Clip cord
- Coco fibre rope
- Jute rope
- Polyester rope
- Heldosyn cord
- Car belt Tree strap
- Rubber tree strap
- Jute tree strap
- Tree strap nails
- Rubber Block ring
- Spacer
- Chainlock strap with bolt
- Tree support ties
- AJD Chain strap
- Treecushion model ‘Wire’
- Treecushion model ‘Combi’
- Treecushion model ‘X’
- Treefix ties
- Ostreifix
- Lifting beld/ sling
- Lashing strap
- Ratchet
- Wire tensioners
- U-tags
- Gripple plier
- Gripple wire connector
- Crapal wire
- Iron wire 1.3 mm 50 mtr
- Green iron wire
- Nylon wire
- Twister
- Green stroppers
- Stebofix clamps
- Tie-wrap cable ties
- Plastiband
- Planter clips
- Raspberry clips
- Bending clips
- Fastening clips
- Elastical cord
- Erica tape
- Duct tape
- Tape brown
- Silage film repair tape
- Repair tape
- Planting site preparation equipment
Tools and accessories
- Wheelbarrow BASIC HDPE
- Mobile tool station
- Spade Spear & Jackson, type 1041AR
- ATLAS spade polished
- ATLAS cable spade polished with step-up
- Clay spade 'Betuwe' model
- Hoe 'Betuwe' model
- Hedge shear Freund
- Branche shear Freund
- Branche shear Bahco
- Boxwood shear Bahco
- Silky pole saw
- Silky sawblade with cover and pipe
- Silky straight pruning saw gomtaro
- Silky curved pruning saw Zubat
- Silky folding saw
- Post driver/ rammer 'LABORA'
- Hand earth drill
- Post driver/ rammer 'De Wit'
- Wildhorn 32
- Tree protection
Crop protection, fertilizers and plant enhancers
- Root dip
- Lac tree balm
- Twist plus spray
- Galvanised moles clamp
- Rat box Bate Safe
- Mouse bait box
- Mousetrap (plastic)
- Mousetrap (wood)
- Rat trap (plastic)
- Rat trap (wood)
- Temperzon
- Bayer millet box
- Birchmeier sprayer Iris
- Solo plant sprayer
- Solo hand syringe Pro
- Solo hand spyringe
- Biobodem (soil improver)
- Mosvrij (moss-free) lawn mix 6-2-20 + 3 MGO
- Snelmix (quick start) 16-3-8 + 2 MGO and bacteria
- Vabomix1 10-4-8 + 3 MGO (all-round fertilizer)
- Structuur Actief (soil improver)
- Robogazon mix 8-3-6 + additives (lawn fertilizer)
- BioBasis 8-3-9 + 2 MGO + Soil life
- Graszo 9-3-9 + 3 MGO with humifirst (lawn fertilizer)
- Eco neutraal 6-5-9 + 2 MGO (fertilizer)
- Agrimix 7-6-12 + 4 MGO (basic fertilizer)
- Repair mix 7-6-12 + 2 MGO + Fulvine (lawn fertilizer)
- Biohaag 7-3-8 + 2 MGO (hedge fertilizer)
- Vabomix2 3-8-18 + 2 MGO (autumn fertilizer)
- Tree Fit treenutrition Basic
- Tree Fit treenutrition Special
Measuring and marking
- Marking tape
- Marking tape dot/dash/plaid/arrow
- Neoraffia
- Viscose drawing strap
- Coloured adhesive tape
- Spray paint
- Posterman marker
- Waterproof marker
- Marking chalk
- Stem gauge
- Adhesive labels
- Tyvek® computer trench labels
- Plate labels
- Pointed plastic label large
- Pointed plastic label small
- Wooden pointed labels
- Hanging labels
- Label ring
- Telescopic altimeters
- Hand counter 'Tally'
- Hand counter 'Professional'
- Counterdisplay
- Measuring tape
- Big measuring tape
- Brabantia scale
- TT Seal
- Marking-strips
- Red-white ribbon
- Max tape
- Budding and Grafting materials
- Felcomatic model 70
- Extra battery
- Felco Greaser pump 991
- Felco refill
- Lower and upper blades for electric pruning shears
- Felco model 2
- Felco model 4
- Felco model 5
- Felco model 6
- Felco model 7
- Felco model 8
- Felco model 9
- Felco model 10
- Felco model 11
- Felco model 12
- Felco model 13
- Felco model 31
- Felco model 51
- Felco model 160S
- Felco model 160L
- Felco C7
- Felco 910
- Felco 911
- Felco 912
- Felco 921
- Felco knife 3.90 50
- Felco 902
- Felco 903
- Felco spray 980
- Felco grease 990
- Lower and upper blades for manual scissors
- Felco 2/91
- Felco model 22
- Model F200A-40
- Model F200A-60
- Model F210A-50
- Model F210A-60
- Model 220: Bypass cutting head
- Model 230: Straight anvil
- Model 231: Curved anvil
- Felco model 600
- Felco model 611
- Felco model 621
- Felco 600/3
- Felco 621/3
- Felco 6 Stéphane Marie
- Felco 14 Stéphane Marie
- Felco 8 Stéphane Marie
- Felco 6 Premium
- Felco 8 Premium
- Felco 601
- Felco 603
- Felco 604
- Felco 221-70
- Felco 221-80
- Felco 221-90
- Felco 250-57
- Felco 250-63
- Felco 906
- Felco 933
- Felco 711
Foil, cloth and netting
- Anti-root cloth
- Anti-root cloth pins
- Polyethylene horticultural foil (black)
- Polythylene horticultural foil (transparent)
- (Christmas) tree net
- Tree packaging device
- Stretch-foil Perfo Lite
- Stretch-foil
- Wrapping net
- Bubble wrap
- Screen netting/ shadow mesh
- Anti-mole mesh
- Trailer cover fine-meshed
- Cedar trailer wide-meshed
- Covering sheet
Personal protection
- Safety glasses
- Knitted hat insulate
- Earplugs 3M 1100
- Earplugs 3M 1261
- Ear protection 3M optime 3
- Ear protectiuon 3M Optime 2
- Dust mask with exhalation valve 3M 9322
- Dust mask 3M 9320
- Full face mask 3M 7907 complete with filter set and storage bucket
- North filter A2P3
- Filter cap 3M 501
- Filters A2 3M 6055
- Filters P3 3M 5935
- Head harness 3M 7581
- Semi-mask 3M 7502 complete with filter set and storage bucket
- Semi-mask 3M 6300
- Semi-mask 3M 4255
- Season Outdoor Wear Pilotjack
- Havep Rally overall
- Havep overall
- Havep dungarees
- Spray overalls 3M 4565
- Elka rainwear green-black
- Dolphin rainwear
- Texoflex rainwear
- Toptex rainwear
- Dunlop Purofort boot
- Dunlop Purofort boot full safety
- Dunlop thermo boots full safety
- Sole Dunlop Basic Z910005
- Grisport safety shoe 803-S3
- Grisport safety shoe 801-S3
- Grisport boot 70249C S3 dark brown
- Laces Emma 120 cm
- Working socks 'Emma working'
- Working socks 'Navata'
- Working socks 'Man'
- Working glove Safety Jogger 'Constructor'
- Working glove Safety Jogger 'All Flex'
- Working glove Oxxa X-Grip-Thermostat
- Working glove Showa 310
- Working glove Showa Thermo 451
- PVC glove Showa 660
- Working glove Prevent
- Working glove Polkadot
- Spraying glove Marigold G17K
- Working glove Forester
- Working glove Safety Jogger prodry waterproof
- Working glove Collar M-safe
Knowledge & blogs
- We are moving to a new location!
- April was never so dry
- The first oak processionary caterpillars hatch from their eggs!
- Opening hours
- Employee in the spotlight
- Each 2 months, Joep Jansen of Agroburen in Tiel, gives you usefull tips.
- Tree protection
- Employee in the spotlight
- Products highlighted
- Do you already buy your bamboocanes ‘vertically’?
- The ‘Agro de Arend’ soccer tournament
- Achieve higher logistics efficiency by building new premises at the Agro Business Centre.
- Each 2 months, Joep Jansen of Agroburen in Tiel, gives you usefull tips.
- Our clients
- Cosmo container
- Agro de Arend New Year’s reception was a great success.
- New imports delayed due to Monsoon
- Wirebaskets, do they need to be removed before planting the tree?
- Contact
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- Privacy
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- Terms and Conditions
- Cookie use
- Nursery
- Horticulture
- Landscaper/ Public green
- Trade
- Thank you
- Conditions natural product